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CMC Programs and activities are conceptualized within a psychosocial framework which pays attention to migrant’s individual, family and collective risk and resilience processes in relation to ways in which migration (pre-migration, migrating, post-migration), social, cultural, structural (migration policies and practices) and institutional (health, education, political, economic and religious) processes shape their lives. The Centre aims to promote healthy psychosocial functioning by addressing risks and nurturing strengths and/or resilience in these levels. The programs are delivered mainly by migrants themselves in a culturally sensitive way.

The programs target all children, youth, adults and families from all five direct provision centres in Cork (Clonakilty – no of residents, 101); Millstreet (Drishane Castle – no. of residents 270), Ashbourne House (no. of residents, 95); Kinsale Road (KRAC – no. of residents 278); Glenvera (no. of residents 127) as well as migrants settled in the local Cork community (refugees/asylum seekers and economic migrants) to strengthen their wellbeing capacities and aid their integration into the Irish Community.


The psychosocial programs target empowerment by giving these vulnerable individuals a voice and strengthening their physical, emotional, cognitive and social health. It also aids in their integration process. CMC engages with this population at their most vulnerable (when they have little or no English at all, when they are so insecure, uncertain, voiceless, stressed) when their psychosocial vulnerabilities act as a big challenge to engaging with available resources.

How to join

 If you would like to be part of our programmes contact our general office number (021) 4193587 or email the member of our team you think can help you best.


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