20 September 2024
We've successfully planted the new seedlings in seed trays, ready to grow and thrive
Each type of seed has its own unique requirements. For example, coriander is planted in a box on a long strip of paper, which not only makes it easier to transport but also simplifies harvesting later on.
When choosing the right seeding tray, it's important to consider the future planting arrangement. For instance, when planting tomatoes, they should be spaced about a foot apart. In a 6-foot bed, this would allow for four tomato plants—plus one extra, just in case one doesn’t make it. For tomatoes, a seeding tray with six spaces would be ideal.
To calculate the number of seeds you'll need, start by googling the standard spacing for the plant you're growing. Then, adjust this by reducing (or adding) about a quarter, depending on whether you're planting densely spaced vegetables or herbs like coriander or manioc. Finally, divide this adjusted number by the length of the garden bed or container where you'll be transplanting your seedlings.